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Publication Director

Identification of the site host

  • Wix

  • Wix Online Platform Limited

  • Address: 1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.

  • Phone: Please clickhere

Intellectual property

All the elements constituting the skeleton of the site (photos, images, logos, flash® animations, modeled elements, etc.), as well as the technological elements (back-office administration, services offered, etc.) are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of their respective authors, except in the limited cases of complete or partial transfer of rights in favor of Life'S Events.

The contents of the site (texts, articles, etc.) are the exclusive property of their authors and cannot be reproduced or exploited without their consent. Life'S Events only authorizes the reproduction of extracts from its articles via the RSS feeds present on its sites.

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction of partial or total content of the site is prohibited, whatever its form (reproduction, nesting, distribution, “inline linking” techniques). » and “framing”…).


Direct links established to downloadable files (whatever their format) present on our site are also prohibited.

If you wish to establish a link with our site, and before any establishment thereof, please contact Life's Events before any establishment of the link pointing to our site or its content.

Status of links and content

The contents of the site published by Life'S Events have been developed with the greatest care. As such, no illicit or defamatory content is broadcast on them. In addition, they do not present any character that could be considered “misleading advertising” within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

Advertisements on the sites

Advertisements may be displayed on our sites. These may come from external sources (third-party affiliate management platforms, Google® ads, etc.) or be managed by our own advertising agency. Life'S Events cannot be held responsible for the “misleading or aggressive” nature of advertising from external sources.

Concerning advertisements governed by Life'S Events, the latter will reserve the right not to broadcast advertising of a manifestly misleading nature within the meaning of articles 121-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.


You can contact us at for any request for information, or to exercise your right of access. You can also reach us through our contact page.

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